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Bruce Lee’s death
There are some stories about Bruce Lee’s parts of life and death in public.
Some stories are told about his life that there are so doubtful. For example: the accident made hurt his back; one of them is Bruce Lee put high weights on his back then he felt too much pain on his back so it was set him on wheelchair for six months. But on a serial about him shows an enemy hit on his back by trunk after his win in the match.
Which one is true?
According to these stories, it is not odd if we are doubtful about his death.
The Bruce Lee’s death story is:
He’d gone to Betty Tingchi’s house with Raymond Chow for speaking about next movie after Game of Death. Raymond left Betty’s house then Bruce Lee felt a headache. Betty took him an aspirin then Bruce slept. He didn’t wake up again. His widow reached to hospital so sooner than ambulance!!!
Doctors declared Bruce Lee’s death was for having cerebral tumor. After dissecting and finding cannabis, it’s public Bruce Lee was addict!!!
But somethings make us doubtful about this story.
1) Bruce Lee noticed to his heathy on his food and behavior and things. He didn’t have wine and didn’t smoke cigarettes.
2) Doctors told people Bruce Lee’s body was hale as an 18-year-young man after rumor about his swooning on scene of Enter the Dragon _ the movie was put middle of making Game of Death to be interrupt it.
3) Raymond Chow meeting place with Bruce was another place then they went to Betty’s house then Raymond left there; why? Freemasonry’s reason was ugly like themselves, his widow said on documentaries “I didn’t know he belies me or not, but he didn’t decrease anything for us.” Linda lee Cadwell said who it is seen on a documentary in a necklace with freemasonry’s eye symbol. Bruce Lee’s time was filled of training, teaching JKD, making movie, writing, acting, directing then he had no time to waste also he met women more beautiful than Betty.
4) Since his swooning till Raymond calling to Betty and Betty’s call to ambulance took too long time, why Betty didn’t call ambulance sooner?
5) Reaching ambulance to hospital also took long time than reaching people to the hospital. Bruce Lee’s widow reached to hospital so sooner than ambulance!!! What was it happened during the way?
6) There was not any MRI test and tests like that then how doctors were sure about his cerebral tumor?
7) Dissection shows not to be rupture on his vessel but to be some toxic grains of cannabis and an aspirin into his stomach.
During this story about Bruce Lee’s death in every documentary about Bruce Lee is always retell Bruce Lee didn’t like being old or senescing or he liked to die soon but into his notes, he planned till decade 80s. also they called him 33-year-old man but he was 32.
In spite of these facts that are clear, it was, is policed in people searching about Bruce Lee’s death and like that is absurd and silly by the murderers and one who being clear true has not benefit for it. Unfortunately, speaking or searching and asking about these subjects are making laugh for people who afraid of search, speak and etc. about them.
Also his son’s death was so clear to be murder. To be real bullet into many fake once which it should shoot to Brandon Lee there is so clear to be kill.
It’s too much painful being silence about these breakneck murder about her dad & brother or her husband & son and saying ugly stories instead of true. Undoubtedly, they were, are blackmailed or threatened by murderers.
May be these reasonable thinks come from love of Bruce Lee’s fan but there are logically.